LGBTQ+ Resources

Local, State, and National


This resource page provides a compilation of local, state, and national resources intended to support the LGBTQ+ community. Yakima Pride presents this information for informational purposes only.
  • No Endorsement or Guarantee: Listing these resources does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by Yakima Pride. We cannot guarantee the quality, integrity, or appropriateness of the services, organizations, or information provided by these external entities. Users are strongly encouraged to conduct their own thorough research and due diligence before engaging with any listed resource.
  • Varied Content and Perspectives: The resources listed may contain diverse viewpoints, content, and materials, including frank discussions of sexuality and gender. Some content may be explicit or may not align with all individual preferences or sensitivities. We aim to provide a broad range of resources to meet the diverse needs of our community, and encourage users to exercise discretion.
  • Information Accuracy and Updates: While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, resource availability, contact details, and website content may change. Yakima Pride is not responsible for any inaccuracies or outdated information.
  • External Links: This page contains links to external websites. Yakima Pride is not responsible for the content, privacy practices, or accuracy of information found on these external sites.
  • Not a Substitute for Professional Advice: The information provided on this resource page is not a substitute for professional medical, legal, or mental health advice. Please consult with qualified professionals for personalized guidance.
  • Descriptions: Resource descriptions are often based on the organizations' own taglines or summaries, and may be edited for clarity and brevity.
  • Community Contributions: We welcome community submissions of relevant LGBTQ+ resources. Please contact us with details of resources you believe would be valuable to our community.
  • Feedback and Updates: We encourage users to share their experiences with the listed resources. Your feedback helps us maintain the accuracy and relevance of this page. Please inform us if you discover any outdated information or broken links.
By using this resource page, you acknowledge and agree to these terms.

Thank you for your patience.

We are working hard to provide an organized list of resources for our community.